Monday, February 2, 2015

I watched a slideshow about the major inequality in our world today. Although it was a short presentation it was packed with a lot of eye opening statistics comparing some of the richest to the poorest nations in the world. Overall, as one might have guessed the living standard for rich countries of the world has increased while those of poorer areas has declined. This is because the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. Africa can be found in the poor category. Unfortunately, the number of early childhood deaths as well as education differences between areas of the world directly reflect their wealth. For example, a statistic from the presentation states that the number of deaths among babies under the age of one year dying in Africa is twenty times more than those occurring in the United States and Europe.

This article really caught my eye because I thought it went really well with what my African Cultures class started the semester off with. When asked to describe what we thought of when we heard the word Africa many of us thought of hunger and disease. This slideshow did a really nice job of simply portraying that Africa has many of these disadvantages because of the poverty that continues to grow in many areas of the continent. They just don't currently have the power, or large amounts of money it takes to further develop.

I once heard someone say, "The poorest people in the United States are far richer than many of the people in Africa." That statement really stuck with me. I can see that, just like this slide show stated with the immense differences in wealth that it really does give the people here in the U.S. or even Europe advantages. The poor people here are helped through different forms of welfare, food drives, soup kitchens, etc. that are only available because there are funds to do it with. Many areas in Africa on the other hand don't have that safety net. If they're hungry there aren't as many opportunities to receive this help due to the lack of excess of money.

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